Monday, October 24, 2016

Java/J2ee Must Read - Interview Topics

Core Java:


  •     Abstraction
  •     Encapsulation
  •     Polymorphism
  •     Inheritance

Overloading, Overriding



  •     Checked & Un-Checked exception
  •     Customizing Exception
  •     Exception chaining and propagation


  •     General concepts
  •     How to create and use


  •     Basics
  •     Thread vs Process
  •     Life Cycle
  •     Interrupting Threads
  •     Thread pool concept
  •     Concurrency (Good to have)
  •     Executor service

Collections & Maps

  •     ArrayList, LinkedList with code examples
  •     HashMap, Hashtable, ConcurrentMap detailed implementation knowledge
  •     Hash code, equals concepts
  •     Sorting collection & Maps,
  •     Searching elements in Collection and Maps
  •     Comparator/Comparable utilization

Inner classes

  •     Types of inner classes
  •     Difference with others



Design Patterns

  •     Singleton, factory, builder
  •     Adapter, Proxy, Facade
  •     Strategy, Observer, Chain of responsibility

Data structures

  •     Trees, Stack, Queue, Linked List


  •     Arrays based programs
  •     Serialization vs Externalization
  •     Programs : like Singleton,Mutable class, Prime num, Febinnocii series, Sorting techniques, Hashmap implementation, String based programs,
  •     Object class methods with examples

Note: Features of all the versions Java 5, 6, 7 and 8

Advanced Java:


  •     Steps to write basic JDBC program
  •     Types of JDBC Drivers
  •     Difference b/w Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatemnt
  •     Result Sets
  •     Stored Procedures, Batch Processing
  •     Different interfaces used in JDBC program


  •     Lifecyle
  •     Request dispatcher
  •     ServletContext vs ServletConfig
  •     Different Scopes
  •     Session Tracking Mechanisms


  •     Implicit objects
  •     Flow of excecution
  •     Session Tracking, Cookies
  •     JSTL
  •     Custom jsp tags
  •     Different types of tags available in JSP like Directives, Actions, etc.


  •     What is ORM
  •     Hibernate object lifecycle
  •     Single row operations like get() vs load()
  •     Eager loading vs Lazy loading
  •     Annotations
  •     All the interfaces using in Hibernate programs like Session, SessionFactory, Transaction.. etc
  •     Cache like first level and second level cache
  •     Different types of mappings
  •     Hibernate features
  •     Difference b/w SQL, HQL, Criteria API, Native SQL


  •     IOC, Spring Core
  •     Dependency Injection (DI) like Setter, Constructor, Interface
  •     Spring Bean Lifecycle
  •     Spring MVC flow of execution
  •     Autowiring
  •     Different Scopes
  •     Annotations
  •     AOP concepts in depth
  •     RESTful Webservices
  •     Transaction Management
  •     Spring integration with different frameworks like Hibernate, JSF, Tiles, Log4j, and etc.
  •     Spring Security


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