First, make sure the .bash_profile file is existing? Remember that the .bash_profile file isn't there by default. You have to create it on your own.
Go into your user folder in finder. The .bash_profile file should be findable there. -> HD/Users/[USERNAME]
Remember: Files with a point at the beginning '.' are hidden by default.
To show hidden files in Mac OS Finder: Press: Command + Shift + .
If it's not existing, you have to create .bash_profile on your own.
Open terminal app and switch into user folder with simple command:
If it's not existing, use this command to create the file:
Open terminal app and switch into user folder with simple command:
If it's not existing, use this command to create the file:
touch .bash_profile
Now we can edit .bash_profile using many ways mentioned below.
vi ~/.bash_profile
subl ~/.bash_profile
mate ~/.bash_profile, depending on your favourite editor.
You have to open that file with a text editor and then save it.
vi ~/.bash_profile
subl ~/.bash_profile
mate ~/.bash_profile, depending on your favourite editor.
You have to open that file with a text editor and then save it.
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
It will open the file with TextEdit, paste your things and then save it. If you open it again you'll find your edits.
You can use other editors:
You can use other editors:
nano ~/.bash_profilemate ~/.bash_profilevim ~/.bash_profile
But if you don't know how to use them, it's easier to use the open approach.
Alternatively, you can rely on pbpaste. Copy
Alternatively, you can rely on pbpaste. Copy
export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosxexport PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
in the system clipboard and then in a shell run
pbpaste > ~/.bash_profileOr alternatively you can also use cat
cat > ~/.bash_profile(now cat waits for input: paste the two export definitions and then hit ctrl-D).
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